Claudia Farias

2 de nov de 20213 min

Letter to Parents of Teens

Dear fathers and mothers of teenagers,

It may be that I find you somewhat upset with your role as the mother or father of such a mutated being... there seems to be no way out for a calmer relationship at this stage of life

I came here to tell you that I understand that. Educating is not easy, but it can bring you a lot of joy. It can be difficult, but there is a smooth and smooth path to go through and live in the moment at this very interesting stage.

Walking with a teenager can be a world with many learnings and challenges, which inspired you to look more carefully and enter this very closed world.

Understanding heroes, failures, powers and annoyances. Knowing that everything is a flash and very intense. That everything marks and registers an emotion.

Live in color or in black and white. In the world of games, art, music, cinema, books, social networks, chats and solitude.

A good speaker, a good listener. Share dreams, fears, frustrations, anxiety and aspirations. Know who he admires. Who does he disapprove of. What does he want to follow and why does he follow something contrary...

Knowing that respect has a name, color and face. Distinguish that the feeling that is disguised is a request for acceptance and emotion. Knowing how to retreat, advance or even stay on the side.

Figuring out how to be the support and at the same time the authority to make this creature a better person is going to be your best role in this life...helping to create another person.

Discovering that there is someone interesting in training that you brought into the world and that you still have so much to share and learn together.

This teenage world can bring positive emotions and learning even on the hardest charts. Yes, because within our imperfections we have to know that we cannot demand perfect beings. But beings in formation. And take responsibility not only for teaching, but also for supporting, supporting and relating, connecting ideas, impressions, values ​​and a fresh mind to be built with several new ideals.

What if you discovered that you have a universe of new possibilities, when you open the door, waiting for this being to blossom? That the physical and neurological changes, plus your personality formation can all be very hard and difficult when we don't have someone to share it with?

If you knew that communication opens a beautiful door that unites you to this being, and again opens new doors for you to update yourself as a human being?

That time with them is precious and beneficial to you as well as to him.

If you knew you can influence and love? Be accepted and accept. Understand and experience new situations, avoiding pain.

It takes work. It takes time and investment but brings a beautiful reward. And for the rest of your life. Look at your relationship with your father and mother and remember what was good and what could be improved. That's what we want: to get it right. And we often act like our parents. We lost the chance to do something our own, then and now with them. The moment is fast, fleeting and will leave marks.

What marks do you want to leave? Trust and friendship can make all the difference. Time flies and passes quickly. Decide not to waste. This person will remain your child after adolescence and will become your friend and father to your grandchildren. So, do your best: explore, connect and get closer.

Take the opportunity to renew your repertoire and give of yourself, it can be fun and extraordinary.

Who signs is someone who does this and is reaping good results,

Claudia Farias

Mother of Marina & Vinicius
